
Our mission here at The Professional Pursuit is to help empower you by providing inspiration, advice, and direction to help advance your career to the next level.

Choosing a Career

Decisions regarding your future should never be taken lightly. Especially when it comes to choosing a career. If you’re going to be working for the majority of your life, you might as well be passionate about what you’re doing. Here are some tips to guide you towards a career path that you will love. Career Tests Did you know there are tests you can take [...]

Job Hunting Made Simple

Searching for a new job can be daunting. Luckily, in this modern, digital age, we can utilize the internet to help make these searches easier. There are countless resources available online. If you find yourself looking for a new job, better job, or dream job, check out these tips and resources. Update your Documentation The majority of job applications out there will require three things: [...]

Resume Mistakes

Your resume is likely the first thing potential employers will see and the first impression they will have of you. A tidy, professional resume can be a good indication of someone who will be a good hire. It says a lot about who you are and you want to make sure it’s saying the right things. Here are some tips to help you avoid mistakes [...]

The Job Search

Chances are good that we’re all going to have a lot of jobs over the span of our lives. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statics found that America’s youngest baby boomers averaged over 11 jobs from ages 18 to 50. Twenty-seven percent held more than 15 jobs during that time. That’s a lot of reinventing and resumes, and with the internet at our fingertips, [...]

How to Answer 3 Most Difficult Interview Questions

Why were you fired? How do you handle conflict? Why did you jump from job to job? These questions can trigger anxiety in anyone that is asked these questions. They are difficult to answer because they are difficult situations! Without proper preparation through honest reflection prior to your interview, these questions can either help or hurt you in your pursuit of a position. Follow these [...]

Adapt to the Qualities Employers Want

When applying for a job, you want to make sure you exhibit the qualities employers are searching for. Work towards developing these traits so you are ready to ace any job interview that comes your way. Confidence Employers want to hire people who exude confidence and competence. Being confident requires you to believe in yourself. You’re not going to get hired if you walk into [...]

Taking Advantage of Networking Opportunities

Expanding your networking contacts is something you should always be working on. Opportunities come in many different forms and can even show up in unexpected places. Make preparations to ensure you are ready to network whenever the occasion arises. Make a Good Impression The opportunity to network could present itself at any time. Regardless of where you are, keep your eyes peeled for ways you [...]

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