
Our mission here at The Professional Pursuit is to help empower you by providing inspiration, advice, and direction to help advance your career to the next level.

Career Changes

Everyone changes careers at least once in their lifetime.  Some reasons include lack of opportunity for advancement, company downsizing, or a change in interests.  Are you facing a career change?  Do you want to change careers?  If so, there are some basic steps to help you take the plunge.  You should review your likes and dislikes to help narrow down your fields of interest, research [...]

Career Motivation

In the workplace, it’s easy to become a slave to the daily routine, feeling like you’re stuck in the same spot. But there are ways to get yourself out of that slump and feel refocused and motivated to be better and go further. Here are some tips to help keep you moving, no matter what career you’re in.   Setting Goals Setting small goals and [...]

I Want a Promotion

We all have to start somewhere, and that somewhere is usually toward the bottom of the totem pole. Once you are comfortable in a job, the next thing you want to do is start moving up in the company. The bigger paycheck could motivate this, or it could be the confidence and increased self-worth you have from accomplishing these tasks. How do we separate ourselves [...]

Enhancing Your Online Presence Without Paying for Advertising

When operating your business online, especially when it comes to a passion project or side business you’ve been wanting to try for a while, eyes on your product or service is key.  There are so many options for paid advertising, which are great avenues, but there are also ways to promote your business, get new fans and increase profits without having to shell out big [...]

Advancing Your Career

You did the college thing and now you’re ready to excel in that dream job that you’ve worked so hard for the last several years. There are a few things that can help streamline your climb up the career ladder. Be open to newer companies When sending out your resumes, maximize your potential for advancement by considering companies that may be newer or have fewer [...]

Think Outside the Box Job Search

Submitting your resume and cover letter over and over again through job search websites can turn into a dreadful and boring routine.  After a couple hundred pages, you’ll find yourself lowering the bar and submitting to anything remotely in the realm of a field you are interested in.  Sometimes getting through to an interview using these online job searches require more luck than getting a [...]

Career Changes without a Bachelor’s Degree

Career changes can be an overwhelming, yet a worthwhile course of action. If you have been feeling unsatisfied with your job and have already decided to change careers you may wonder which job you should transition to. The misconception is that you have to have a college degree for a well-paying job. This list provides you with jobs that does not require a bachelor’s degree. [...]

Tips for Job Hunting

Searching for a new job doesn’t have to be a long and tedious process. Work smarter and make the most out of your time and resources. Find a new job faster with these tips: Submit In-person Applications If done correctly, submitting a resume in person can make the difference between landing and not landing a job. Employers tend to take notice if you physically walk [...]

Four Questions to Ask if You’re Unsatisfied with your Career

The right career choice can add to your sense of life satisfaction, the wrong career choice may make you miserable. But how do you know what makes you happy and what makes you miserable? If you feel like something is missing from your career, reflect on these four questions to gain better insight on what you could do to become more satisfied. What did you [...]

Job Interview Tips

Preparing for a job interview can feel overwhelming, especially if it’s a job you really want! As you’re gearing up to meet your potential employer, you want to be sure you’re presenting the best version of yourself. Don’t be left feeling unprepared. Check out these tips for knocking your job interview out of the park. Be Punctual Being on time actually means showing up 5-10 [...]

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