Looking for a new job can be a daunting task.  However, there are few steps that can make this process a little easier.  These steps include knowing what you want for your next job, refining your resume to target specific positions and companies, networking, and preparing for your interview.



It is helpful to create a checklist of what you are looking for in the new job you are pursuing.  It will guide you towards the jobs you want to apply for.  After researching what jobs fit that criteria, you can refine your resume, and search for companies that have openings and then apply to those positions.  Researching the companies will help give you an idea of what the job will entail.  You can research commonly asked questions in an interview as well as get a salary range.  The more prepared you are, the better off you will be.


Resumes are the key to getting an interview.  They tell the story of you, giving the company an overview of your education, career and job experience, as well as a timeline of your history.  There are a wide variety of formats to use when preparing a resume.  One suggestion to make your resume stand out is to have an achievement-oriented resume that highlights accomplishments that are related to the job you are applying for.  Look at the words listed in the posting, particularly the responsibilities and skills.  Human resources managers look at the phrases and words on your resume so match what they say.  Refine your resume for every job you apply to.  The hiring agent should know you have the skills they are looking for.


Networking is the next step in your job seeking process. You need to utilize all of your contacts to help you attain the job you want. Having a pool of people that know you and want to help you with job leads is essential to you having success. If you know someone that works for a company you are interested in joining, reach out to them. Ask for a referral. Hiring managers prefer to hire those how are recommended by an employee, rather than sift through the piles of resumes coming their way. In addition to utilizing people you know in person, you can use online resources like LinkedIn to help in your search.



The last hurdle in the job search is the interview. You have done your research, your resume is specific for this company, you have an idea of the questions the interviewer will ask and have prepared answers. Practice your answers with someone. The better prepared, the more comfortable you will be. Include examples and specific stories highlighting your experience and skills. Once you finish the interview, follow up with a thank you card. Express your interest in the position and how you are a good fit with the employer and the job. While it may not land you the job, it will definitely leave a memorable impression to help you stand out.


Job hunting can feel like a full-time job, but worth the effort to make a change for the better.  Happy hunting!