
Raises and promotions can help us feel like we’re climbing the ladder to success in our careers. If you’re starting to feel under appreciated or left behind, you may be thinking about asking your boss for a raise. Timing can be everything when it comes to approaching your superiors about what may feel like an awkward subject.



If you’re a newer employee, don’t expect to get raises at your six month or one year mark unless that was a perk of the job stated when you landed the position. Unfortunately, anniversary raises are a common misconception that often fail to materialize for many people, leaving them to feel like their hard work is going unnoticed.


Clock In

end of day

Picking the exact time you think your boss will be in a good mood and ready to cooperate is essential. While these things can vary from person to person, Alice G. Walton contributor at Forbes consulted psychologists on the subject. Their general consensus was that, for most people, the best time to approach your boss would be midmorning on a Friday, after she’s had her coffee.



Don’t ask for a raise until you’re ready to sell your boss on the idea. Make sure you have a little oral presentation prepared to mention all your hard work and achievements. Explain what you’ve done to deserve the pay increase, and how you’ll work harder to justify it. Be able to outline any money you’ve saved the company, any extra responsibilities, and any additional projects you take on with your daily tasks. Don’t be afraid to share your goals for the future. If you’re better in writing than you are in person, Indeed recommends asking for a raise in a letter, explaining, “Putting together a case for why you deserve a raise will ensure your supervisor has plenty of time to review your points and bring the appeal to any senior personnel for approval. Submitting a letter with your reasoning is better than surprising your boss with a request they may not be expecting or fully prepared to address.”


Work Up to It

Chances are good that no one will want to reward mediocrity. If you’ve been in a funk or feeling underappreciated, you may have let your work slip a little. This is not conducive to getting a raise. Before approaching your superior, make sure your productivity has been excelling long enough for them to note. Take on extra responsibilities without being asked and don’t be shy about leading projects.


Some things are all about timing and asking for a raise is one of them. Catching your boss off guard or asking too soon can throw the whole situation off balance. Be confident and strike when the time is right.