Have you ever thought about going back to school or getting a special certification for a job? Do you ever find yourself wondering if it would truly be worth it? Demographics, supply and demand, and new technologies are rapidly changing the job market. We are finding that new technologies are constantly changing and dictating what job skills people will need. The last thing you want to do is lose out on a job opportunity or promotion. You need to make your time worth it, so what skills are going to be worthwhile?

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Social Media Knowledge


Social media is not just a way to get your message out; it is also a way to listen and communicate with the general public. The most effective way to master this career skill is being open-minded, diligent, and creative. Today every company and organization demands basic social media skills and web skills in order to stay ahead. The digital presence is crucial for success for any type of company. A lot of social media skills can be applied to any type of job and makes for an impressive skillset on any resume.




Whether analytics are pertaining to social media, sales or other analytic driven services to be able to understand and digest analytics behind any set of data is an invaluable skill set. If you are able to provide and decipher ways to measure certain performance data that you can then help boost your company’s numbers, then no matter what field you are in you will be viewed as an asset.


Public Speaking


Public speaking will always be a key skill that can be utilized through any job and any field. There are a few reasons why public speaking is so important and one of the biggest reasons is demonstrating knowledge. By developing your skills and mastering the art of public speaking, you can show that you’re knowledgeable on the job. If you are able to clearly articulate your thoughts, it’s a good way to show your knowledge as well as teach others about the topic at hand. On top of credibility this skill helps make you more promotable. At upper levels of leadership & management, people will need to be comfortable making presentations and communicating in groups/teams. In general, having good public speaking abilities is a solid way to secure your job and set yourself up for success.

Life Skills

Problem Solving & Critical Thinking


These fast-moving changes in technology and society are forcing business processes and strategies to evolve and become more complex. People will need to be able to critically think and problem solve while using their skills to find opportunities for improvements. Technology and machines are going to evolve and will probably take over small repetitive tasks, but we will need to push ourselves even further to problem solve the more complex issues that we face in the workplace.